About Me

Bright and quick-witted engineering intern with smooth communicative skills and interest in backend development and industrial automation. Skilled at completing assigned projects within constrained time. Values collaborative work because it is an avenue to learn from people while airing one's views respectfully.

My Projects

  • Mini blog with Admin Page

    Implemented Python flask framework, HTML, CSS and sqlite3. Has a comment section to review the website. The comments and author is stored in a database using a form. Has an admin sign up page with password that gives access to view all comments made along with their timestamps. Can delete comments.

  • CV Builder

    Implemented SQAlchemy and deployed on heroku using Git. Generates user's CV based on user's input. Stores it in a database. Allows user to preview in PDF before downloading.

  • Election Result Portal

    Implemented PostgreSQL. Nigeria's Electoral body is called Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). This portal allows INEC officials view and input result of participating parties in each polling unit and local government area.

  • Ice Cream Shop Bookmarking API

    Deployed on Heroku using Git. A basic API that pulls information from 2 csv files and returns their values using a GET request. Can allow modification or even delete entries using POST and DELETE requests but using the Postman API platform.

    It is the bedrock of an application that would allow users to bookmark their favorite Ice Cream shop.

My Skills

  • Python Flask framework | Web Development
  • SQL & NoSQL Sqlite | PostgreSQL | MongoDB
  • HTML & CSS UI Design
  • Technologies API's | Git | Heroku | Dash